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© 1999-2024, René G.A. Ros
Last modified: 5/12/2021

Colophon - Changes

Below is a list of changes made to the English summary of this website. Small additions and corrections are not included.

Date Description
No changes are made to the website anymore, unless because of obligations or technical reasons.
May 12th New biography of Reserve 1st Lieutenant Rang
December 27th New biographies of Soldier Cornelissen, Fort commander Segov and Fort watchman Pijl
1998 - 2019 No longer available.
This website is provided by private experts and is not a government site.
All rights reserved, including use by commercial parties only with prior permission.
Defence Line of Amsterdam. A city wall of water.
UNESCO Werelderfgoed sinds 1996
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'Introduction to the Defence Line of Amsterdam' is a interactive ebook about the Defence Line of Amsterdam.